Your custom code and commands


We have lodash defined as _ global.

Home folder structure

In order of being evaluated:

~/voicecode/ <- working directory
~/voicecode/packages/ <- packages you have downloaded
~/voicecode/ <- main settings file, license goes here
~/voicecode/**/*.coffee <- your code (commands and/or more settings)
~/voicecode/**/*.js <- your code (commands and/or more settings)
~/voicecode/misc/* <- ignored by the above 2 rules

Dragon vocabulary files

VoiceCode auto generates some special files for importing into Dragon in order to increase recognition accuracy. They are located in ~/voicecode/generated/*.xml. These files our regenerated every time you enable/disable commands or edit settings that affect the grammar. After getting most of your commands set up you should import these files. You should also make a habit of importing them again from time to time as they greatly improve recognition accuracy. Depending on how much you are changing the grammar, importing once every several weeks is a good default.

User command files

For every user-file (.coffee or .js) you create, we create a package named user:filename. From inside that file, you can reference the current file's package as the variable simply named Package.

// Package closure around

Package.command('my-test-command', {
  spoken: 'does it work',
  enabled: true,
  action: function() {
    this.string 'yes it works!'

The above will create a command with id user:filename:my-test-command which can be triggered by saying does it work and is enabled by default.

The Package variable is a convenient shortcut, but you don't have to use it if you want to just create your own package with its own name.

Implementing other packages' command

Let's say you have an application, for which you want to implement the delete:lines 🔉snipline🔉 command. First you need to find the bundle id for Either $ osascript -e 'id of app "Notepad"' or click on the bug icon on VoiceCode Log and look for currentApplicationChanged event which fires when gains focus.

There are two slightly different ways you could do this:

Using the Package already generated for the current user file

First you would create a scope that encapsulates when this group of commands should be "active"

  name: 'notepad',
  application: '' // bundle.Id

Next use this file's Package to create implement commands, giving at the scope name for which the implementations apply:

  scope: 'notepad'
}, {
  'delete:lines': function(){
    // implementation
  'other-package:other-command': function(){
    // another implementation

Generating a new package from scratch

First, create a package, give it a good name, and set the applications and/or conditions for when this package should be active.

notepad = Packages.register({
  name: 'notepad'
  application: '' // bundle.Id, scope will be auto generated

A scope is automatically generated for this package since it has an application parameter. Next, use this package to create some commands. These commands will automatically only be active when the package is active:

  'delete:lines': function(){
    // implementation
  'other-package:other-command': function(){
    // another implementation

pro tip

Use core:insert-command-id 🔉sherlock🔉 command followed by the command you want to get the id for:

🔉sherlock snipline🔉 => types `delete:lines`
🔉sherlock sherlock🔉 => types `core:insert-command-id`
🔉sherlock shock🔉 => types `common:enter`

This is especially useful when adding to Settings.vocabulary.sequences

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