


Every utterance gets parsed into commands.

  • 🔉dizzle🔉 => os:undo command
  • 🔉shock🔉 => common:enter command
  • 🔉hello🔉 => core:literal command, with hello parameter


All commands parsed from a single utterance. 🔉dizzle shock hello🔉 =>

  {command: 'os:undo'},
  {command: 'common:enter'},
  {command: 'core:literal', arguments: 'hello'}


List of previously executed chains 0 being current, 1 being previous and so on.

History window

In order to understand repetition better, open up the History window using core:toggle-history-window 🔉histogram🔉

Command repetition

repetition:command 🔉repple🔉 repeats the command before it N times (up to Settings.repetition.maxRepetitionCount = 100 maximum). If no parameter given - uses 1.

  • 🔉hello repple two🔉 => types hellohello
  • 🔉shock repple five🔉 => presses return key 5 times

Note, 🔉hello repple one🔉 will also output hellohello, as in this case it means 'repeat previous once more', whereas every parameter more than 1 means 'repeat previous N times in total'

Command repetition shorthands

  • 🔉hello repple two🔉 => 🔉hello soup🔉
  • 🔉hello repple three🔉 => 🔉hello trace🔉
Settings.repetition = {
  values: {
    // you can add more repetition commands like this
    wink: 1,
    soup: 2,
    trace: 3,
    quarr: 4,
    fypes: 5

Command repetition as first command

Let's assume first utterance is 🔉shock arch🔉 which is getting parsed as

  {command: 'common:enter'},
  {command: 'core:literal', arguments: 'a'}

Starting next utterance with a repetition command, will use last command of last chain i.e a literal.

🔉trace brov🔉 => types aaab

Chain repetition

repetition:chain 🔉creek🔉 repeats Nth chain in history. If no parameter given - uses 1.

  • 🔉hello world clamor trace🔉
  • 🔉shock creek🔉
hello world!!!
hello world!!!

Chain repetition and History

Note how repetition: commands themselves do not appear in the history window, instead, they get substituted by those commands which they have repeated. A chain consisting of a single repetition:chain 🔉creek🔉 (with any N parameter) does not alter History at all. On the contrary, a chain of multiple repetition:chain gets appended as a new chain.

Chain repetition shorthands

In order to repeat the fifth and third command in History, instead of 🔉creek five creek three🔉, use shorthand 🔉creek five three🔉. For repeating history sequences in descending order, e.g 3, 2 & 1, use repetition:last-N-chains 🔉recon three🔉

Chain in-line repetition

You are not limited to repeating past commands. Adding Settings.repetition.chainRepetitionSuffix = 'way' suffix to Settings.repetition.values will repeat current chain.

🔉arch crunder soup way shock trace way🔉 => types


Repeating multiple successive chains

repetition:last-N-chains 🔉recon🔉 with integer N as a parameter will call chain N, N-1, ... until most recent chain(inclusive).

  • 🔉arch🔉 => types a
  • 🔉brov🔉 => types b
  • 🔉char🔉 => types c
  • 🔉recon three🔉 => types abc

    Previous command repetition with new parameters

    repetition:previous-command-with-new-argument 🔉beep🔉

    • 🔉snake hello world🔉 => types hello_world
    • 🔉beep new parameters🔉 => types new_parameters

results matching ""

    No results matching ""